COOPER MEDICAL SCHOOL of rowan university
COOPER MEDICAL SCHOOL of rowan university
Officially launched in 2012, CMSRU was the first new medical school in New Jersey in 35 years. Being a new school afforded them with the unique opportunities to create a culture centered on teamwork, professionalism and empathy. Since its opening we have been working with them to help brand the new medical school’s presence in the field.
2012 legacy society donor wall
The 2012 Legacy Society was the inaugural philanthropic initiative of Cooper Medical School of Rowan University. On October 10, 2013, members of the 2012 Legacy Society gathered at CMSRU to celebrate the unveiling of the 2012 Legacy Society Donor Wall, a permanent structure that inspires CMSRU faculty, staff, and students on a daily basis. We designed the wall and supervised the final installment, and developed the invitation package to the event.
cooper rowan magazine
The purpose of this bi-annual magazine is to replace annual reports and to present constantly updated news of the medical school. We conceptualized and designed the magazine starting from the first issue. Our approach for the cover design has featured illustrations to add artistic interest and to convey thought-provoking messages.